Active Learning Assignment / Resources

Revised HIST 374Q Active Learning Assignment – Fall 2023

The Active Learning Assignment will be to compile LEARNING RESOURCES based on the syllabus weekly topic and course assignment requirements that can be added to by students (and other faculty). These learning resources will be housed or uploaded on the CUNY Academy Commons website after the compilation by students and the instructor at the end of the Fall 2020 semester. Students will research appropriate learning resources pertaining to each week’s topic and compile information such as videos, articles, books, web links, from various sources. The learning resources that students will compile will be incorporated into the syllabus as “additional learning resources”.


Title: Africa and the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade OER / ZTC project


Tag: An OER / ZTC project for HIST 374: Africa and The Trans Atlantic Slave Trade Course, Fall 2020 at York College, CUNY.

Students will decide together in the course discussion thread the Creative Commons or CC license attributes. Students final presentation will be included in the resources that will be uploaded to the project page. All work independently or collaboratively done by students will be designated and protected with the following Creative Commons license attributes below.

Additional information on Creative Commons can be found here:

Compilation of Select Additional Learning Resources

PDF DOWNLOAD: Active Learning Assignment – Additional Learning Resources

Introduction to Africa before 1500


Africa before 1500

Resources on African Civilization before European Colonization


Top 10 African Contributions To World Civilization – YouTube

African Civilizations Before European Contact



African Kingdoms and Empires


Lost kingdoms of Africa: Series 1 – 4

Key Civilizations and Contributions / Commerce and Trade in Africa from 1500

Commerce and Trade from 1500


Key Civilizations and Contributions

Coming of the Europeans


Slavery and Slave Trade in Africa: Types of Slavery / Role of Islam



Africa and The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade: Origins and Growth

Guest lecture / presentation by Professor Oluremi Alapo and Chief Ifakunle of Oyotunji Village, S. Carolina on “The origins and growth of the Atlantic Slave Trade” (Thursday October 15, 2020).

Zoom class presentation: Oluremi Alapo’s Personal Meeting Room – Zoom

Contact: About OAV – Oyotunji



The Trans – Atlantic Slave Trade

Guest speaker: Dr. Wale Ajibade, Executive Director of African Views Organization will discuss “the Trans – Atlantic Slave Trade and Africa” (Thursday October 22nd).

Zoom class presentation:  Revised Lectures on the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade – YouTube

Contact: African Views Organization:



Effects of Trans – Atlantic Slave Trade on Africa

Guest Speaker: Prof. Carl Patrick Burrowes (Thursday October 29, 2020): “A discussion on the country of Liberia” – see week 13 for more on Liberia.Contact: Home – (

Suggested Resources from Prof. Carl Patrick Burrowes



Abolition of Slave Trade



The Abolition and Impact of the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade on Africa: Repatriation (Liberia and Sierra Leone) 

Guest Speaker: CCLP – Coalition of Concerned Legal Professionals: “Access to Justice and Legal Recourse” on Thursday 11/19/20.

Contact: Susan Prensky, Coordinator

New York State CCLP: (212) 791-1364



Resources compiled from University of Michigan Exploring Africa program:;jsessionid=f8302488171375121090540?bhcp=1


Slave Forts – Slave Forts

In addition between 1801 and 1803, there had been a successful slave revolt in the Caribbean island nation of Haiti, which shook people throughout the Americas to realize that this system of slavery could be challenged and overthrown. Under the leadership of Toussaint Louverture, an ex-slave in 1804, Haiti became the first black republic in the world and the first country in the Western Hemisphere to abolish slavery. To learn more about the history of Haiti, explore the website:

The Trans – Atlantic Slave Trade: Africa and People of African Descent: 400 Years Later.

A discussion by Professor Oluremi Alapo, course instructor for HIST 374 on Human Rights issues / Challenges.


Adjunct Faculty, Department of History, Philosophy, and Anthropology — York College / CUNY

Adjunct Faculty, Center for Ethnic Studies – BMCC ( / Social Sciences Department at Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC), CUNY

Special Advisor to the Secretary General of IHRC / Director for Global Education, Leadership Training and Youth Development – IHRC | International Human Rights Commission Relief Fund Trust (

Advisory Committee Member, African Views Organization

Director, Institute for Peace and Leadership, Inc. | Research, Advocacy and Workshops on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 5 on Gender Equality, Empowering women and Girls and SDG 16 on Peace and Justice


International Human Rights

New York State Human Rights

NYC Commission on Human RightsHuman Rights (

New York City Human Rights Law: The Law – CCHR (

International Decade for People of African Descent


“Africa and People of African Descent: 400 years later / 1619 – 2019: Year of Return back to Africa for People of African Descent”

Presentation on Education and Re Writing History / Reparations by Dr. Akil Khalfani

Dr. Akil Khalfani, (Congressional Candidate, West Orange, New Jersey) and Director, Africa Institute at Essex Community College, NJ.

Zoom class lecture: Reparations! – YouTube

Pan Africanism / Reparations for Africa, Africans and People of African Descent / Bill H.R 40 (December 1, 2020).

Suggested Resources from Dr. Akil Khalfani

Movies / Documentaries:  watch these movies to understand why reparations are needed

Books: read these books to understand the need for traumatic healing


Home | Khalfani4USCongress (


OER / ZTC readings on Remembering the Trans – Atlantic Slavery

OER / ZTC readings on Bill H.R 40 [The African American Bill]


     OER / ZTC Video Resources on BILL H.R 40 

OER / ZTC Video Resources on Reparations

OER / ZTC reading resources on Reparations / Restoration / Atonement

Question 1: Should Congress apologize for the Trans – Atlantic Slave Trade? Why or Why Not?

Congress Should Atone for Slavery: Congress must officially apologize for slavery before America can think about reparations (

Question 2: After reading the proposal by the Commission below, do you believe that this is a comprehensive proposal or bill to justify for 400 years of African / American contributions to the United States?

Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for “African – Americans Act”

Reparation Talks at the Democratic Primary Debate

The 2020 Democratic primary debate over reparations, explained – Vox

Video resources on Reparations / Restoration / Atonement

Reading resources on the year 1619 in US History

Video Resources on the year 1619

Video Resources on Slavery / Slave Trade Facts

Resources on Africa Before the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade

Resources on Maps of African Continent Before and After the Trans – Atlantic Slave Trade


Resources on Slave Voyages / Migrations

Maps: Slave Voyages / Migration Patterns

Image 1: Slave Voyages project at Emory University

Image 2: Major Coastal Regions where slaves left Africa from

Image 3: Number of slaves transported from Africa between 1650 – 1860 to the Americas  slave_trade_1650-1860_b-www.slaveryinamerica.org_3-1tl5xiw.jpg (600×351) (

Image 4: The Middle Passage:

Remarks on the slave-trade … Printed and sold by Samuel Wood, No. 362 Pearl-Street [1807]. | Library of Congress (


BOOKS The Harlem Street Nun: Autobiography of Queen Mother Dr. Delois Blakely eBook: Dr. Delois Blakely, Queen Mother: Kindle Store

Encyclopedia of African History – SILO.PUB

African African [Code: ADDI For 10% Off]. Any additional questions for Dr. Gina can be emailed to [email protected]





Teaching America’s Racial History: deep dive into documents webinar

Resources to teach American History

1619 and the Making of America